CREA is equipped with highly significant laboratories at a national level for the study of nanotechnologies, agro-food sciences, and chemical-physical studies, with the necessary expertise and instrumentation in these areas.

CREA particularly offers analytical and consulting services in the environmental, industrial, and research fields, pursuing the goal of continuous improvement from the start by acquiring cutting-edge equipment and employing skilled personnel.

Since 2017, the laboratory has also operated in the geological sector thanks to its close collaboration with Pangeo, a geotechnical laboratory with highly qualified personnel in technical and environmental geology.

Since 2019, CREA has been accredited by the Ministry of Health with the 2018-2019 laboratory qualification program to conduct analytical activities on asbestos.

The accreditation covers the following activities and analytical techniques:

  • Sampling of bulk samples;
  • Qualitative analysis of bulk samples using optical microscopy with phase contrast and polarized light (MOCF-LP);
  • Quantitative analysis of airborne fibers using optical microscopy with phase contrast (MOCF);
  • Qualitative analysis of bulk samples (across all matrices) using scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (FE-SEM);
  • Quantitative analysis of airborne fibers using scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray microanalysis (FE-SEM).